I had already begun to write about a topical piece of proposed legislation for this week’s “Now You Know It” when I noticed that the publication date was set for “9/11.” At that moment, I had “the” reaction; the one we all have when we see it or hear it. First remembering where I was when it happened, then feeling the senseless loss of nearly 3,000 lives, and finally acknowledging that America, and indeed the world, had forever changed that day.
When I started to think about what to write, I thought about terms I had never known before 9/11: “ground zero,” “Al Qaeda,” and “war on terror.” I wanted very much to find something appropriate and heartfelt to say, but memorial words have been put together so well by so many more qualified authors than I. “9/11.” It said so much more by itself than I ever could.
I forged on, looking up poignant quotes from past presidents and politicians, authors and artists, scholars and sociologists. Nothing seemed to convey the message I wanted to send. In the end, Charles McGrath of The New York Times came closest to my thoughts when he wrote:
9/11- Everyone knows what that means, and to say any more would be pointless. Sometimes words fail.
Yes Mr. McGrath, indeed they do.
Wright Beamer wishes to remember and pay tribute to all those who lost their lives in the tragedies of 9/11 and the family and friends they left behind.
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