A Fond Farewell

Losing a valued team member to retirement is a bittersweet experience! We are in the midst of that experience right now at Wright Beamer as my assistant, Teresa Bowers, is leaving us at the end of the month to begin her retirement. We say goodbye reluctantly and with much sadness, but with sincere wishes for her happiness!

It’s hard for us to imagine our firm without Teresa, who came aboard a full 15 years ago. She possesses a number of gifts that we will sorely miss. If you’ve met Teresa, you’ve no doubt experienced her warm gift of hospitality. It’s a gift that makes clients and visitors feel immediately welcome and comfortable, and it reflects her genuine interest in people and their stories.

Teresa is also patient, thoughtful and kind. These are not traits that she switches on in the morning when she arrives at the office, but rather are threads interwoven into the fabric of her character. In addition, she is highly professional, extremely hard-working and deeply loyal. She’s fun and funny, too, qualities that are often underappreciated in the business world.

Teresa is not one to sit around on her hands. She has a long history of church and community involvement and is looking forward to not only continuing some of those activities, but also to exploring new ones. Our loss will certainly be the broader world’s gain!

Thank you, Teresa, for your friendship and your service. We wish you well in all that you do!

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