Constitution Day

The signing of the U.S. Constitution

This past Saturday marked the 18th annual Constitution Day in America. The idea for a holiday to celebrate American citizenship was originated in 1939 with “I Am an American Day,” which was celebrated in May. But in 1952, the date was changed to correspond with the anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution (September 17, 1787), and the holiday was renamed “Citizenship Day.” In 2004, a nonprofit organization called Constitution Day, Inc. successfully created the Constitution Day holiday, which the legislature enacted as a tandem holiday to Citizenship Day.

Constitution Day is backed by the U.S. Department of Education, which requires that every federally funded educational institution in America hold a program for students each year. A few years ago, I was fortunate enough to be involved in the Constitution Day programming at the Oakland County Circuit Court. OCCC invites students from local schools to hear a brief presentation about the signing of the Constitution and watch one of the mock trials being put on in the courtrooms to celebrate the day. I had the pleasure of serving as defense counsel in one of those mock trials, and one of my daughters played hooky from school to come watch. The day was educational and interesting for both of us, and I am proud to have been a part of it.

If you missed the fun this year, I encourage you to add Constitution Day to your calendar for 2023. Check out the local events celebrating this little-known American holiday. Constitution Day is sure to leave you feeling pride in your United States citizenship and in the wisdom of our forefathers. May God Bless America.

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