Do you remember reading about Delilah in Kathy Spray’s email blast a month ago? She was the abandoned pup that Kathy helped rescue just days before she was scheduled to be euthanized. Kathy’s efforts resulted in Delilah being taken in by a very loving foster family and her acceptance by Last Day Dog Rescue, a terrific local organization devoted to finding permanent homes for abandoned dogs.
At the same time that Kathy was working hard to save Delilah’s life, my husband, Tim, and I were contentedly living out our dog-free lives – unaware of Delilah’s situation and certainly not thinking that it was time to adopt another dog. After hearing of Delilah’s plight, though, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I went home that day, shared her photo and story with Tim, and we decided on the spot that we needed to see if she was meant for us.
As some of you already know, she was! We applied to adopt Delilah (now named “Zoey”) the day that her profile went up on the Last Day Dog Rescue website, and we were able to bring her home just a week later. Since then, it’s been a happy ride – and a bit of an adventure, as she is still a pup! She’s very affectionate and playful, and she brings a new brightness to our house. At a time of year when many of us look back with gratitude on the gifts that the year has brought, Tim and I want to extend our deep thanks to everyone whose efforts brought Zoey into our lives!
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