In the Neighborhood

Farmington-Farmington Hills Neighborhood House will reimagine its gala this year!

A large portion of the financial support for Neighborhood House comes from its annual fundraising gala, which also includes the announcement of the Dick Tupper Community Service Award honoree. Like so many things, the Neighborhood House annual event was put on hold last year. On August 11th, the nonprofit is holding an open house garden party at the charming Longacre House in Farmington Hills.

Since 1989, Neighborhood House has been providing food and financial aid to local families and individuals around the Farmington and Farmington Hills area. An affiliate of the Farmington Area Goodfellows, the nonprofit organization arranges assistance with rent and other utility bills, access to its food pantry, and referrals to other local resources that provide help. Over the last two years, Neighborhood House has helped more than 500 clients with financial assistance.

In years past, Wright Beamer has both sponsored and attended the Neighborhood House’s annual gala, and we are again looking forward to supporting the organization and this event. Updates on the Neighborhood House and this year's garden party can be found on its Facebook page. The form to attend, sponsor, or donate is available on the Greater Farmington Area Chamber of Commerce website.

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