New Guidelines, New Normal

New Guidelines, New Norma…

In order to further slow the spread of COVID-19, Governor Whitmer has replaced her initial “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order. The new executive order, which is effective through April 30, maintains the limitations of the previous order, makes a few clarifications and imposes several additional restrictions.

If you went shopping this past weekend, you likely experienced a few of those new restrictions first-hand. For example, stores must now limit the number of patrons who can be inside at any given time, and they are encouraged to consider options like curbside pickup to reduce lines. Retailers must close areas dedicated to the sale of carpet or flooring, furniture, paint, gardening and plants. And, stores must set aside at least two hours of shopping time each week for people over 60, pregnant women and those with chronic health conditions.

All businesses that qualify to continue operations during the lockdown must adopt a COVID-19 preparedness and response plan consistent with recommendations published by OSHA. Further, in-person work must be limited to that which is “necessary to sustain or protect life,” and businesses cannot require their workers to leave home except as needed to “sustain or protect life or conduct minimum basic operations.”

The order also imposes some significant new restrictions on individuals. We can still engage in recreational activities, but all gatherings of people not part of the same household (other than funerals having no more than ten people in attendance) are prohibited. Personal travel is limited to shopping for necessities, visiting individuals in a care facility, or caring for a family member’s pet or a vulnerable person in another household. People may return to their homes from vacation, but otherwise vacation travel and travel between residences are prohibited.

If you have questions about how the new order may affect you or your business, please contact us at or (248) 477-6300.

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