Opening Day

Around here, the heart of summer beats at the Farmington Farmers Market.

As the market prepared to open last year, focus was on the safety of the community. All of the efforts to keep everyone safe paid off as 2020 marked record-breaking attendance.

On Saturday, the bell will ring again at the Walter E. Sundquist Pavilion and Riley Park in downtown Farmington. This year’s opening day promises to be lively with a performance by the Farmington High drumline and Groves-Walker American Legion Post Color Guard kicking off the event and live music beginning later in the morning.

Once again, the Farmington Farmers Market staff and volunteers are committed to another safe season. The market has expanded onto Market Street offering more space for social distancing. Masks will still be required, and volunteers will have some on hand as needed. Customers can still pre-order from vendors online and pre-packaged items will be available as attendees stroll through the market. And farmers indicate they are running ahead of schedule, so expect a wonderful produce selection!

Wright Beamer is looking forward to sponsoring and supporting the market for another season. More information about the Farmington Farmers Market, vendors, and tips for staying safe can be found online. We hope to see you out on a Saturday at the market!

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