Things to Know (About Us!): Wright Beamer

Things to Know (About Us!…

Just like you, days are looking a little different for all of us at Wright Beamer right now. Instead of meeting with clients in our office, we make use of virtual resources to continue advising and supporting them. In some cases, parents have become teachers. Restaurants have been replaced with cookbooks and movie theaters with streaming services.

And in our new normal, we, too, are looking for new and different ways to spend our time once the work is done:

  • Dirk Beamer has been bird watching! He’s discovered the nest of a loud red-bellied woodpecker in his neighbor’s tree and is looking forward to seeing lots of little red heads popping out of the tree later this spring.
  • Lee Flaherty enjoys tending to her garden! In her spare time, she’s focused on a spring cleanup and can’t wait to see flowers starting to bloom.
  • Before it was shut down, Duane Reynolds was able to grab the last two books of the Jack Reacher novel series from his local library. Unfortunately for him, they proved to be quick reads! He’ll be happy to see the library doors open once again!
  • Typically an active bunch, Evan Chall and his family have been finding time for running, Peloton rides, and family walks. When they slow down, they enjoy streaming documentaries.
  • Each spring, Heather Miles and her family are busy with the farm, especially as they prepare for the Elkhart County 4-H Fair. With nieces and nephews home from school, there are more hands to help out and the calves, Roscoe and Cletus, are enjoying the extra attention! The calves are expected to grow by hundreds of pounds in time for the fair in July!
  • Kathy Spray has always loved to write and has decided to try her hand at blogging (her posts can be found here). While still new, she’s enjoying the creative outlet!
  • Each year, Deb Yanke competes with Duane for the first hummingbird sighting at their feeders. Deb is hoping to increase her odds with the addition of two new feeders! Fingers crossed!
  • Donna Stewart and her husband are filling their time with home projects. New cabinets will be delivered soon as they begin renovating their kitchen! And, of course, as many FaceTime calls with their kids and grandkids as they can get!
  • Having "sunshine time" and "puddle hunts" with her children is something that Heather Yanke treasures. She is also finding joy in recording weekly worship for her church family and catching up on all sorts of great shows and movies with her husband.
  • Another green thumb in the group, Mary Martin has been clearing her yard to make way for a raised bed. She enjoys cooking and looks forward to planning a kitchen garden again!
  • Lauren Woirol has been teaching herself ASL thanks to new resources becoming available online. It has been a longtime goal to learn, and she’s hoping to continue building this skill.

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