SAFE Haven

Kathy Spray and Lee Flaherty recently collected toys for Stuffed Animals for Emergencies (SAFE).

The Stuffed Animals for Emergencies organization began as a community service project for a beauty pageant. It continues today with a mission of providing needed items for children during traumatic situations. SAFE collects new and gently used stuffed animals, books, blankets, and other items and provides them to kids who have lost everything, whether through personal trauma (such as being placed in foster care) or a natural disaster.

The organization also partners with other programs to help fulfill urgent needs in places where a SAFE chapter has not yet been established. The donations collected by Kathy and Lee went to The Teddy Bear Brigade in Virginia, which is a program of Gleaning For The World. According to the SAFE website, “Gleaning For The World is an international humanitarian relief organization that helps children here in the United States and all over the world.” The Teddy Bear Brigade program supplies toys to children in war-torn regions and in areas affected by natural disasters.

At Wright Beamer, we value the work of organizations like Stuffed Animals for Emergencies, and we are proud to support the good that they do – both individually and as a firm. Visit the SAFE website to learn more.

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