Things to Know (About Us!): Dirk Beamer

Dirk and Jessica Beamer celebrated their daughter Anika Jane’s high school graduation in June. Last week, all five Beamers loaded up for a cross-country road trip, dropping members of the family at their respective college or university along the way.

First stop: Loyola University on the shore of Lake Michigan in Chicago. Langston is anxious for his second year in the business program (and a second NCAA March Madness run for the Ramblers?)! What’s not to love about being young in Chicago?

Second stop: Grinnell College in Grinnell, Iowa. Anika Jane starts her college career with a focus on pre-med and international studies. Small colleges in small towns can be home for big ideas. Dream big, Anika Jane!

Third stop: Calvin College in Grand Rapids. On the return leg of the trip, Lawrence bids Mom and Dad adieu to start his sophomore year in the communications department at Uncle David’s alma mater. He’s friends with everyone on campus, so let’s hope he has time to maintain his academic successes!

Final stop: an empty house on Oakland Street in Farmington. Boy, is that dog going to get a lot of love this year.

Thanks for coming along for the ride!

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