Things to Know (About Us!): Heather Brenneman Miles

Things to Know (About Us!…

In previous years, this would be the busiest week in Elkhart County, Indiana. Each summer, the nation’s largest 4-H county fair is hosted there. Unfortunately, this year is a little bit different.

In May, for everyone’s safety, the fair’s board of directors made the difficult decision to cancel the annual event. This year’s private event, the “Summer Showcase,” will instead include a limited mix of in-person animal shows and virtual contests for educational and craft projects to replace the competitions usually held at the fair.

Heather Brenneman Miles and her family will be participating again in the animal shows! There won’t be an audience for this year’s event, with only 4-H participants, two guests and committee members allowed for each show. But the quality of the competition will still be the same. And with Heather’s nieces and nephews having steers, pigs and rabbits to show, there is no shortage of work to be done.

Having grown up on a dairy farm, which currently runs as a full-blown operation including custom harvesting and cattle raising, Heather is no stranger to 4-H, its fair or the hard work it means to be involved. Honors have been presented to Heather’s nieces, Catie and Grace, as Champion Beginner Showman and Honor Showman in Master Showmanship, respectively! Nephews, Lane and Cole, were also Honor Group Beginner Showmen! Well done, all!

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