Dirk Beamer Presents at AAIMCo

Dirk Beamer recently spoke at the annual conference of the American Association of Insurance Management Consultants (AAIMCo) in Philadelphia. Beamer offered a presentation on BUYING AND SELLING CAPTIVE INSURANCE AGENCIES. Beamer serves as General Counsel to the National Association of Professional Allstate Agents (NAPAA) and the United Farmers Agents Association (UFAA), and he consults with captive and independent insurance agency owners across the United States.

AAIMCo is a professional association whose members practice in more than 50 specialties and subset specialties within the insurance industry, offering advice and solutions for a variety of issues. It exists to help individuals and entities within the insurance industry “operate more efficiently and profitably; to establish professional standards of knowledge, experience, and conduct for those serving that industry in the capacity of insurance business consultants; and to give official recognition to those who have obtained such standards.”

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